The hack is to create a trick to remember only 'Runtime Polymorphism'.
Here is simple piece of code about 'Bikes' relating to runtime polymorphism
class Bike {
public ride(){}
class HarleyDavidson extends Bike {
// Look!!! class-overriding below
public ride(){
System.out.println("Enable 6th gear");
Now here comes the trick.Runtime polymorphism can be imagined as something that always moves. Eg. our bike is a perfect example. You can ride it around. It's dynamic and it moves.
So here 'ride' is the keyword.
Relate class-overriding with the method 'ride'
The 'ride' method in the above example is an instance of class-overriding hence its very easy to remember now that Runtime Polymorpism is related with class-overriding