There is simple trick to remember this fact if it's a Coelomate or not:
Prince Played Needless Music
This trick will help you remember which are the items that are NOT Coelomate. Hence all other can be remembered as Coelomate .
- Porifera - Prince
- Platyhelminthes - Played
- Nematoda - Needless
- Mollusca - Music
Now let's see the list once more (only remember the bolded one's that are not Coelomate, others are all coelomates )
- Porifera - Not needed
- Cnidaria - Coelomate
- Platyhelminthes - Pseudocoelomate
- Nematoda - Pseudocoelomate
- Annelida - Coelomate
- Arthropoda - Coelomate
- Mollusca - Less Coelomate
- Echinodermata - Coelomate
- Protochordata - Coelomate
- Vertebrata - Coelomate