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by (1.4k points)
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Nine most common phyla 

  •  Porifera, 
  • Cnidaria, 
  • Platyhelminthes, 
  • Nematoda, 
  • Mollusca, 
  • Annelida, 
  • Arthropoda, 
  • Echinodermata 
  • Chordata

1 Answer

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by (1.4k points)
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Here is an easy trick to remember animal kingdom: 

"Prince Charles Plays Needless Music And Always Eats Cucumbers."


  • Prince - Porifera
  • Charles - Cnidaria
  • Plays - Platyhelminthes
  • Needless - Nematoda
  • Music - Mollusca
  • ANd - Annelida
  • Always - Arthropoda
  • Eats - Echinodermata
  • Cucumbers - Chordata

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