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by (7.8k points)
Is there any easy way to remember the carnial bones:  Occipital, Parietal, Frontal, Temporal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid

2 Answers

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by (7.8k points)

You can use any of this spell to recall the list of Carnial Bones very easily:

People From Thailand Eat Octopus Skulls

  • People - Parietal
  • From - Frontal
  • Thailand - Temporal
  • Eat - Ethmoid
  • Octopus - Occipital
  • Skulls - Sphenoid
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by (440 points)
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Pari Saw a Elephant From Old Temple.

  • Pari : Parietal (Pari means angel in Hindi language)
  • Saw : Sphenoid
  • Elephant : Ethmoid
  • From :  Frontal
  • Old : Occipital
  • Temple : Temporal

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